Load shedding solution – NO PANELS – Entry level – Sunsynk 5kW Hybrid, 1 x 6.4kWh BSL Bull Lithium (LifePO4) battery (10 Year Warranty), (No PV)

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Description Qty Unit Price (Excl) Sub Total Excl Total Incl VAT
Sunsynk Sun 5K Hybrid Inverter 1 R23 086.00 R23 086.00 R26 548.90
BSL Bull Lithium (LifePO4) 6.4kWh 1 R35 756.00 R35 756.00 R41 119.40
Wall Mount for 1 BSL Battery 1 R935.00 R935.00 R1 075.25
KETO Battery Disconnector with 160A Fuses 1 R1 986.00 R1 986.00 R2 283.90
Cables, AC Bypass & Protection, Sundries and Connectors 1 R2 588.00 R2 588.00 R2 976.20
CoC, Equipment Transport, Labour and Electrical Material 1   R10 296.16 R11 840.58
TOTAL     R74 647.16 R85 844.23


System includes 6.4kWh Lithium Battery and no Solar Panels System is Solar Panel Ready

DB will be modified to supply critical loads only - Only Plugs and Lights (Excluding Kitchen Plugs) will be connected. 5kW limit is applicable even when council power is on.